A Gift From Kristine Carlson!

One of my favorite things to do is give gifts that heal! I am a complete LOVER of books and about 80 % of the gifts I share with the people I love are books! The books I give as gifts always carry a healing message that can be applied to daily living. Being a health educator, I can’t seem to hold myself back from any opportunity to share wisdom and insight that can bring forth more health, happiness, peace, abundance…and of course MAGIC & MIRACLES in life.

I am excited today as I wrap up some more REAL Beautiful books to send off to some REAL Beautiful Moms!! As a “Don’t Sweat Mom” I have come to learn to let go and breathe more often and embrace my role as a Mother better. One of the things I didn’t know when I signed up to be a Mom was that I would also have to become adept in so many other areas of expertise. As Kristine Carlson shares with us in her new book ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms: Simple Ways to Stress Less and Enjoy Your Family More’, “We wear so many hats as a mom that it’s easy to forget we once had a life of our own, before kids.” I think one of the hardest things for a mom to do is be o.k. about having a life outside her children. In truth, it is a vital element that creates the balance required for moms to stay inspired and effective in their role as a mom! I love that Kristine allows us to embrace these parts of who we are without the guilt and with the knowledge of knowing it is actually what we need to survive and be healthy. I LOVE how Kristine encourages moms over and over throughout the book to remember their own needs too! Kristine asks us to take off all of our ‘mother hats’ and see what parts of who we are remain. Attending to our own body, mind, spirit, interests and purpose outside our children, we continue to grow and express our being in multiple dimensions, thus,live more healthy and inspired lives as a Don’t Sweat Mom! Get your own copy of Kristine’s book to learn more of the REAL Beautiful ways you can be a “Don’t Sweat Mom” just like me and millions of other women across the world! An enlightened approach to Motherhood! Join Kristine on facebook and twitter and experience her wisdom in “DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF FOR MOMS!”


Sending you magic & miracles,


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