“Why should I stay at the bottom of a well, when a strong rope is in my hand?” -Rumi

In truth, we are constantly transforming into something new from moment to moment on a cellular level.  Over time these changes become recognizable on the outside to our human eyes.  The secret behind this reality of our miraculous being is that we are given so much power to change our thoughts, beliefs, experiences and circumstances in life with constant ongoing support from the neural pathways that build inside in response to all of these.  They are a vibration that builds and creates you in every second that elapses.  What is the vibration you hold inside with all of your ways of thinking, living and being?  Choose the best for YOU and be grateful to our human design for the magic gifts it holds that supports us as we become the person we were meant to be.  Don’t be afraid to honor the help your physiology automatically gives, as it is programmed to LISTEN to your commands…ALWAYS. 

What thought that doesn’t uplift and honor you could you change today?  Maybe you never say ‘I am fat’, ‘ugly’, ‘worthless’, or ‘not good enough’, again.  Strike these words from your vocabulary and replace them with words that build you stronger and healthier.  How do you prefer to be seen by the world?  Do you want to be loveble, caring, gentle, kind, honest, beautiful, giving, funny, intelligent, independent, strong, and talented?  YOU CHOOSE the words you want to fill your body, mind and spirit and then the ways of living and being that match them will follow as you REBUILD who you really are.  THERE IS CREATIVE POWER IN THE WORDS YOU KEEP…Simple science.

Thank you Alicia Keys for your beautiful voice that celebrates the possibilities and chances we have to stand stronger and live more in the LIGHT of the REAL beautiful parts and pieces of us that we hide.  Her story may be familiar to many of us…

Thank you for being REAL Alicia! Click the link below to listen to Alicia’s message for us all! xo



Sending you magic & miracles,


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