Well, another year has come and gone.
As with any New Year, the feelings of anxiety and pressure to BE BETTER than we were last year come with it. My advice from last year really hasn’t changed: just “FLOAT” [sit back, take some deep breaths and ease yourself into the New Year]. I really think it is important not to make too many promises you can’t keep [you know, the “let’s not be perfect let’s be REAL Beautiful” thing we try to achieve better too!!]. It is just such a typical thing to do after all of the celebrating and extra treats during the holiday season. Often the strict plans and goals after the holiday force us into automatic failure and depression…thus increasing our desire to crave the sugary and salty foods that caused us to make such unattainable goals in the first place.
My approach to the New Year is to take life in BALANCE: I’m going to do some exercise, eat some good/healthy food and treat myself a little too. This helps to ease me out of holiday mode back into my regular routine once holidays are past. This approach also helps me to gain some control over my food and activity choices. One of the added approaches I adhere to over the holidays is to continue to keep some of my healthy routines going through the festive season. YES, I love pumpkin pie, turkey and stuffing as much the next person, and I choose to just enjoy them without too much guilt. I can do this because of the commitment I make to not completely forego any MOMENTS OF HEALTH during the festive season.
DON’T completely throw away your regular health routines over the holidays! This one POWERFUL DECISION will make the difference between a painful recovery from the holidays and a fairly uneventful one.
One of the best ways to cleanse and repair the damage done to your body, mind and spirit from all the celebrating over the holidays is to eat high nutrient-dense foods with lots of fibre and drink lots of water. Taking in nutrient dense food, fibre and water helps to naturally cleanse our systems of toxins, unhealthy cholesterol and sugar. Try out some of the healthy food choices and drink lots of water and you will kick start yourself in to a year of MAGIC & MIRACLES!
Enjoy a New Year that has more BALANCE and less PRESSURE!
Sending you magic & miracles,