“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Rumi

Let us do our best to honor and revere ourselves in balance with those around us.  Getting the BALANCE right is the difference between being humble and self serving.  I choose to balance the ways of living and being connected to honor and reverence in my life today!  Sometimes we are given large sign posts that prod us to stand up and demand more honor and reverence for ourselves, and then sometimes we receive guidance to give more honor and reverence to others.  What message speaks to you today?


Do you have to stand up for your own honor and reverence today?  Or do you owe that debt to others to make the balance right?  When you BALANCE honor and reverence in your life, REAL Beautiful things happen!

Let’s keep staying REAL Beautiful together <3


Sending you magic & miracles,



  1. Gina says:


    • Cindy Heath says:

      Hi Gina…Sat Nam Claire…don’t forget to sign/join to receive your free gift and begin your journey to causing magic and miracles to happen! Most of my posts have a sign up area and my home page has one at the top of the side bar. I appreciate your interest and would love to stay connected to share more insights. Look for my upcoming book ‘REAL beautiful…The Energy Secrets of the Mind, Body & Spirit available in Oct. this year! Lots of ways to learn how to cause magic and miracle to happen daily! I LOVE it when they happens! xo

    • Cindy Heath says:

      Thank you Gina! Xo

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