A simple SECRET to help you stay connected to the vibration that magic & miracles are on…
Saturate yourself with information that is inspirational and full of high energy frequencies.  I relate many ways to connect to this divine field of energy that hands out #MIRACLES like free and beautiful gifts inside my REAL BEAUTIFUL BOOK, in my emails [SIGN UP BELOW and receive A FREE MIRACLE Meditation], in my REAL BEAUTIFUL Retreats, and right here in every blog I write!    What do you do every day to keep the cells inside your body filled with ‘good vibrations’…the ones that will guide you to your greatest life!
Although there are many ways to keep yourself in the flow of this powerful stream of magic, keeping your eyes and ears focused on knowledge and information that feeds your soul is a top priority.  It is just another SACRED SADHANA you can add to your daily life that will heal, empower, and surround you with the most beautiful energy that will automatically draw the gifts of the universe to you…seriously…remember this is REAL SCIENCE!!  It is up to each of us to make our own MAGIC happen by keeping our body, mind, and spirit pumped with higher vibrations…every effort counts!  

 Some resources I enjoy to stay connected to higher vibrations are: Aspire Magazine, Kristine Carlson and her ‘don’t sweat’ wisdom,Tamara Gerlach and her secrets about cultivating radiance, the fashionable and creative inspiration shared by Emily Brickle, and so many more!!  Just start in one place and keep going.  Before you know it you will feel lighter and more powerful just by changing the information you read and believe alone!!

As I begin my journey as a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher today [another beautiful resource you are going to LOVE!], I am excited to bring more beautiful and powerful ways for you to live and be REAL BEAUTIFUL every day just by adjusting the energy vibration your body carries inside your cells…stay connected to find about this ancient secret so MIRACLES can keep coming right to your door…simple, sacred, fun!




  1. Lynda Steer says:

    Couldn’t put your book down

  2. Lisa says:

    Hi, I’m new .
    I’m glad I found your website. I’m looking forward to read your new book.
    Have a good day!

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