JOIN the REAL Beautiful Movement TODAY BELOW!
Find out about the secrets the ancient elite kept hidden and present day insightful masters of our time are trying to expose! Control your mood, balance your weight, dissolve addictions, calm your nerves, LOVE & CELEBRATE who you are, feel inspired and on purpose, achieve success, gain prosperity...and create MAGIC & MIRACLES IN LIFE!!
Use the energy in your body to create Beauty, Power, Healing, Magic, & Miracles in daily life!
You are a part of the movement as soon as you join us above! Your going to LOVE IT XO
REAL Beautiful SACRED SECRETS every women needs to know…
Making MAGIC & MIRACLES happen together! Simple science!!
Teacher of Community Nursing at The University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College, A Caretaker at the doorway between life and death, a Women’s Health Educator, Kundalini Yoga teacher, Winner of Donna Carins Award for Caring, Writer, Healer and a Mother of six REAL Beautiful daughters!
Precious from Urban Behavior says, 'you are glowing'!
Kendal from Green Earth says, 'you have a peaceful energy surrounding you'.
“Cindy is an exceptional educator and has provided me with insight into the world that I never new possible before I met her. The energy she emanates is compelling and I am a better person for having known her”.
Erin Kearns ˜U.W.O Nursing Graduate
“Cindy is one of the best teachers I have encountered. I appreciate the encouragement and value the mentorship that I gained from the time I was able to spend with her.”
Marlene Jantzi ~ UWO Nursing Graduate
“ Cindy is a very warm and loving individual that has amazing teaching qualities. I was very lucky in the University of Western Ontario’s Nursing program to have such an incredible instructor. She was student focused and went out of her way to make all of her student’s experience the best it could be. She taught me many qualities and components that have made me a better person and nurse.
~Heather Bowles UWO Nursing Student Graduate
“Great job! Congratulations on your success! You are a beautiful person inside and out”.
“ Helpful-great presentation on an important topic [self awareness & energy].
~Arbonne International Employees
“Cindy spoke to our weight loss group in 2006; [TOPS - ‘Taking off Pounds Sensibly’- London, Ontario #1102 chapter]. Cindy gave us a very inspirational and motivational talk that helped to improve our personal views of ourselves our ability to accomplish anything we put our mind to. All 50 members that were at the talk came away from the evening very inspired to improve their outlook on weight loss as well as other areas of their lives.”
~Charlene Speers Co-Executive of TOPS #1102
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